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R.M.S. TilawaThe last journey RMS Tilawa was a 10,000-ton mixed passenger and cargo vessel owned by British India Steam Navigation company. On her last voyage, she carried a complement of nearly 1,000 people including 732 passengers, departing Bombay, destination Durban. R.M.S. TilawaThe valuable cargo She carried a large general cargo and a consignment of 2,391 bars…

S.S. Benmohr
S.S. BenmohrThe last journeySS Benmohr was a 6,000-ton cargo vessel owned by Ben Line Steamers of Leith, Scotland. On her last voyage she sailed from Bombay, destination Liverpool via Durban. The ship was torpedoed by the German submarine U-505 300 miles SW from Freetown, Sierra Leone and sank in deep water with no loss of life. THE…

S.S. Coloradan
S.S. ColoradanThe last journeySS Coloradan was a 6,000-ton cargo vessel owned by the American Hawaiian SS Company. On her last voyage she sailed from the Persian Gulf, routed from Durban to Trinidad and then on to New York.The Attack Torpedo Report Cleaned-up sketch from Witte’s Torpedo Report showing Coloradan in lower right moving to the…