S.S. City Of Cairo
The last journey
Crew, passengers & treasure onboard

She carried 296 souls of which 136 were passengers and a mixed cargo including some 100 tons of silver coins belonging to the UK Treasury.
She was spotted by U-68 on the 6th of November 1942 and torpedoed at 2030 hrs. The engines were stopped and preparations made to abandon ship. A second torpedo was fired 10 minutes after the first and the ship sank a few minutes later
- 296 souls onboard
- 136 passengers
- 100 tons of silver coins
- Spotted by U-68
- Struck by two torpedoes
- Sunk in mid atlantic
``Sorry for sinking you``
The crew
The survivors were soon separated into two groups...
- One boat was picked up by a German blockade runner, which was subsequently intercepted by the HMS Scylla and was scuttled on 1st January 1943.
- One lifeboat made it almost to Brazil before survivors were rescued.
- The master and 154 of the survivors were picked up by the SS Clan Alpine and landed on St. Helena island.
- Another 47 people were picked up by the British steam merchant ship Bendoran and landed at Cape Town.
- In all 104 people died, 79 crew, 3 gunners and 22 passengers.
S.S. City Of Cairo
The search
Located by MAK iX
A small target with little height and reflectivity was seen in amongst a hillside and was subsequently dived upon, with some reluctance, as it didn’t correspond to our expectations of what a wreck should look like at all.
However, DOS’s procedures require that all targets which appear not to be natural be reviewed at high frequency and eventually inspected. It turned out that it was a wreck and the identity was finally confirmed to be that of the City of Cairo.
S.S. City Of Cairo
Meeting the wreck
First view by COMANCHE
Many items were seen on and around the wreck including the end section of the second torpedo, where the contra-rotating propellers could clearly be seen. Apart from the silver cargo this was the only item recovered from the site.
A world record.

Hello are the coin going to be offered for sale
There are some years that go for a lolot 1897,1909,
1939 one rupee up to $4-6000
S.S. Coloradan Coins, does it come in a presentation box and any History information with the coins.
Hi Andrew,
If you are interested in purchasing any of these coins then please contact me: 02081 879794 or mike.hammond@londonmintoffice.org
Kindest regards,