Where impossible subsea operations becomes possible.

French Diver Joins Elite Club After Landmark Tonga Trench Dive

Jérémie Morizet from Deep Ocean Search and Tim Macdonald from Inkfish descended to a depth of 10,806 meters    On Sunday 13th October, Frenchman Jérémie Morizet joined an elite club of deep-sea divers after diving to 10,806 meters with Australian pilot Tim Macdonald during a scientific expedition operated by Inkfish company – setting a record…

Deep Ocean Search is hiring!

Deep Ocean Search LTD DOS is a pioneer in deep water survey, salvage & positioning, providing unique expertise to offshore industry & governments since 20 years. The company operates worldwide from 0 to 11000m depth, running challenging projects, some of them leading to major world records these past few years (deepest cargo salvage, deepest shipwreck…

DOS personnel representing The Explorers Club at UNESCO

DOS personnel representing The Explorers Club at UNESCO. As members of The Explorers Club, DOS personnel Maeva Onde & Jérémie Morizet have been invited to UNESCO on the occasion of the Partner’s Forum. This session aimed to discuss & highlight UNESCO’s new Partnership Agreement with The Explorers Club (TEC), an international, multidisciplinary professional association made…